Channel: HazBroTube
Category: Gaming
Tags: guncrankmodern warfare gameplaymodern warfare season 2call of duty mobilecall of duty warzonemodern warfare funny momentsmodern warfare minigamehazzycall of duty crankedmodern warfare funny voice chatgun game modern warfarefunny momentsmodern warfare battle royalecall of duty gun gamecall of dutycall of duty modern warfarehazbrotubemodern warfare funnycall of duty cranked gameplaycall of duty cranked modehazbro
Description: I'll be doing this as well as other minigames LIVE on Twitch when I stream. So be sure to go follow me! JOIN MY DISCORD: Be sure to follow my Twitch! ~Follow me on Twitter! ~Like me on Facebook! ~Follow me on Snapchat! HazBroism ~Add me on Xbox! HazBro ~Add me on Uplay! HazBroTube_YT Thanks for watching!